Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Get Organized Challenge - My Day #4

Today's challenge on A Bowl Full of Lemons was to tackle the linen closet.  Every bedroom in my house (3) has it's own closet large enough to accommodate the linens for that room, so today I just tackled the linen closet in the master bedroom.  Here's the before photo:
Actually I don't think it was that bad, but I did have tons of hair and body products on the shelves that I ended up moving into the drawers in the bathroom - after I cleaned them out!  And the dust!  The cat actually got into the closet after it was empty and started batting around the dust bunnies.  So here's the after photo:
So not only did my linen closet get cleaned out, but the drawers in my bathroom as well.  Oh - except for Jay's, which is a project for another day!